Github, email
- keyboard
- Hook and simulate global keyboard events on Windows and Linux.
- mouse
- Hook and simulate global mouse events in pure Python.
- objregex
- Apply regular expressions to lists of arbitrary objects.
- constraint_propagation
- Solver for assigning values to cells via constraint propagation (e.g. Sudoku, Zebra puzzle, seating plan).
- server-sent-events
- Python library for Server-Sent-Events.
- aes
- A pure Python implementation of AES, with optional CBC, PCBC, CFB, OFB and CTR cipher modes.
- bayesian
- Utility for Bayesian reasoning.
- simplecrypto
- Simple cryptographic library for hashing and encrypting.
- gifencoder
- The missing method gif.Encode in Go's library.
- gl4
- Micro game library, v4.
- easier-as3
- Tiny functions for common tasks.
- background
- Library for Python applications that run in the background.
- kahn
- Simple and flexible pipeline system for Python.
- sciplot
- Pythonic data visualization tool.
- quine
- .
- framebuffer
- Simple and low level C graphics library.
- matrix
- Pythonic 2D matrix data type.
- libeditor
- Library for creating a multi-document editor with a desktop GUI.
- jsmatrixboard
- Library for highly-interactive matrix-like structures.
- dictfs
- Wraps the file system in a dictionary like access structure.
- blackcrypto
- Library of cryptanalysis tools.
- console
- Cross platform library for simple command line applications.
- canvasengine
- HTML5 Canvas hooks for game bots.
- inflist
- Infinite lists in Python using lazy evaluation.
- fuzzy
- Library for decision making based on fuzzy rules.
- gohandlers
- Library of HTTP handlers.
- simpleserver
- Simple HTTP server backed by nothing more than a couple of dictionaries.
- goutils
- Small Go functions for the everyday programmer.
- go-ui
- High level Go library for graphical user interfaces.
- altpython
- Script to perform safe-ish find-and-replace on Python sources.
- fsm
- Fast and simple Finite State Machine library.
- markov
- Markov chain library to create new data from examples.
- structured-editor
- Structured editor for general purpose programming languages.
- word2vec_bin_parser
- Tiny Python library for parsing Word2Vec .bin embeddings.
- steamgrid
- Downloads images to fill your Steam grid view.
- replace_me
- Modify your own source code with this piece of Python black magic.
- extract_by_pattern
- Extract data from texts with no clear field separator.
- gomeet
- Go server to punch NAT holes.
- activity
- Watches, stores and reports user activity on the computer.
- shell
- Web-based structured console terminal .
- marktex
- Markdown to Latex for thesis, reports, and presentations.
- f
- The worst Unix program.
- monty
- Library for exploring discrete distributions.
- autokeyboard
- Automate everything keyboard.
- kindle-collections
- Automatically generates collections from your directory structure.
- gowiki
- Very simple wiki server in Go.
- celltower
- Simple statistical simulation of cell phone towers.
- workspace
- Manages programming projects.
- web-interact
- Two-layer server model for interactivity based on Server-Sent-Events.
- pycalc
- Calculator server with measure unit and Python support.
- j
- Extensible global hotkeys for common tasks.
- cinema
- Finds subtitles and starts playing a movie.
- scheduler
- Schedule manager, notifying of events and allocating time for tasks.
- attachment
- Downloads email attachments you receive and emails attachments you upload.
- ppackager
- Manage Python packages.
- filereplace
- Utility to easily replace patterns in files.
- packager
- Python script for converting existing projects into PyPi packages.
- py2cli
- Converts any Python script into a command line application.
- netstat
- Detects changes in network connection quality.
- feeder
- Dead simple local RSS feed reader.
- typist
- Records typing statistics.
- switch
- Background application responsible for starting and stopping other applications.
- gallery
- Extracts images from websites and displays in a gallery.
- doorman
- Notifies when computers enter and exit the wireless network.
- gitstatus
- Background app for tracking status of local Git repositories.
- websentinel
- Watches webpages for changes and keyword occurences.
- manual_file_classifier
- (k)eep, (d)elete, (r)ename or (m)ove?
- symcalc
- Symbolic calculator using Python's sympy package.
- dotfiles
- My configuration files.
- reduction-circuit
- Draws a XOR circuit to perform binary polynomial reduction.
- sprawl
- Go reimagined as a strategy game.
- cryptopals-challenge
- My solutions to challenges at
- frango
- Authentication system for web services.
- minetesting
- Client and mod for the Minetest game.
- stack
- A toy stack based language.
- anakata
- Anakata is a 4D, tiled, command line puzzle game in Python.
- flappy_doge_2048
- Tiny, buggy game. Because why not?
- flappybot
- Auto player for the FlapMMO game.
- 8puzzle
- Python solution to sliding 8-puzzle.
- gogame
- HTML5 version of the Go board game.
- playreduce
- Game based on creating binary finite field reduction algorithms.
- adventofcode
- My solutions to
- celltower
- Simple statistical simulation of cell phone towers.
- shamir
- Shamir secret sharing algorithm with threshold detection.
- maze
- Simple maze generator in Python.
- poly
- Study of polynomials and recurrence relations.
- ecc
- Textbook Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Python and C.
- t
- Todo list manager.
- 2048bot
- Bot for playing the game "2048".
- ludum_dare28
- Entry for the 28th Ludum Dare compo.
- bop
- Experimental Web Framework with Server-Sent-Events.
- speedreader
- My try at "Rapid serial visual presentation" (flashing words).
- dashboard
- Attempt at a desktop dashboard with useful functions.
- miller-rabin
- Simple implementation of the Miller-Rabin primality test in Go and Python.
- old_securemail
- Mail system with automatic signing and encryption.
- graphql
- Basic implementation of GraphQL using in-memory objects.
- voltorb_flip_solver
- Solver for the Pokemon HeartGold game Voltorb Flip.
- derivative
- Library for calculating derivatives using dual numbers.
- ledhero
- Guitar-hero like game using only the keyboard LEDs as display.
- statistical
- Small tool for simple statistical tests on samples.
- telescoping_text
- Text with variable amount of details.
- room
- Doom-like raytracer.
- tank_duel
- Small HTML/Canvas game. Two players try to destroy each other in turns by aiming and firing tank cannons.